Product Review – Homeocan Kids 0-9 Cough and Cold


Homeocan 0 – 9 Cough & Cold

Anyone who has children knows better than most that like toys, children have an innate ability to pick up germs, viruses and other nasty bacteria.  The Princess is no exception.  While she was in daycare, she contracted everything, and I mean everything.  Three days after going into daycare, our Princess contracted Norwalk Virus, and had vicious diarrhea for 3 weeks.  She lost so much weight and her poor bum was so blistered that we had to put a steroid cream just to keep them from bleeding.   She was so miserable it was devastating.  The daycare fortunately refunded us 2 weeks of the cost, however, Hubby and I had to alternatively take days off work just to care for her.  I had literally just started a new job and was missing days out of the week.  I thought for sure I was going to be fired.  But I had no one else.  The daycare wouldn’t take her.  After she finally got over that, it was maybe a week before she got an ear infection that spread to her eyes, throat, sinus and lymph nodes and sent her into a fever that was so high I had to put her in bath of cold water.  She screamed bloody murder.  I put her on the couch naked to try to cool her down when she started to have a seizure.  Her eyes rolled back in her head, she started to shake uncontrollably and was gasping for breath.

Her immune system has strengthened greatly but she still gets the occasional cough and cold.  Now most medication is not suitable for children under the age of 6 for obvious reasons, but as a parent you feel helpless because there is very little you can do to ease their symptoms.  Rest, fluids and a lot of tender love and care are a given, but what can you do for those runny noses, phlegm and nasty coughs other than wait for it to run its course.  I was at the pharmacy and saw a homeopathic cough medicine for children ages 0 to 9 years.  First I thought to myself, really what is this going to do?  I had my doubts that there would be any significant improvement in the Princess’ symptoms, but boy oh boy did I eat my words.

Homeocan Kids 0 – 9  cough & cold is a homeopathic medicine that helps relieve cough, pain, fever, congestion and mucus build up.  It does not have any harmful side effects and is dye and sugar-free.  For children under 6, it’s a 1/2 teaspoon every 4 hours.  The best part though, is that it tastes good.  Now recalling my childhood memories, medicine either tasted like fake bananas or indescribable bitterness.  But the Princess will swallow this without so much as a wince.  Thumbs up for that all on its own.   There also is a night-time cough syrup that works wonders.  With a soothing sedative, this helps relieve symptoms while allowing a good nights sleep that ill children so desperately need.

I have no complaints with this medication.  It’s all natural, great tasting, homeopathic with no side effects.  It does what it claims and now when Princess gets ill when she’s past the age of 6, I will still be using this medication instead of the other brands.  5 out of 5 for this product!  For a full list of ingredients, please click here.


* I was not paid to do this review and I purchased the medication myself.*

7 responses »

  1. We were just at Target this weekend trying to find something safe for Carter’s nasty nighttime cough. After debating a while and asking the pharmacist, I decided to give him warm water with a teaspoon or two of honey dissolved in it. It seemed to help. I will have to see if I can find the cough and cold medicine you are talking about. Thanks for the review!

    • I hope Carter is feeling better, it is going around here like wildfire! I’ve never heard of dissolving honey in warm water, I’ll have to try it. I really do like the Homeocan medication. It is a company based out of Montreal so I’m not sure if it is available in the US. Their nighttime stuff works wonders too. I give some to the Princess right before bed and she is out like a lamp, not up all night with the sniffles.

  2. I just tried the nighttime formula for my 1yr old. Nasty cough and wheezing breathing. He had a great night’s sleep and doesn’t sound so bad this morning. I’ll be keeping this stuff on hand for sure. Plus I like it that it only requires 1/2tsp. Makes me wonder about the others where at 30lbs he needs almost 2tsp full. You have to be careful about honey though. Make sure it’s pasteurized. Unpastuerized honey is unsafe for infants and children under 1, maybe two, years old.

  3. yes this product is also made for adults. and in my opinion it worked for me. eased my cough and kept my fever down to a dull roar. dosage is 1 tblsp every 4 hrs away from meals.

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