Monthly Archives: August 2012

Eat Outside Day!


National Food Days in New York City

This is the perfect holiday to wrap up August on the national food holidays calendar. Eat Outside Day celebrates the time-honored tradition of al fresco dining, reveling in the warm summer nights where dinner can be enjoyed with the outside air around you, transforming a dining experience from a meal in a stuffy restaurant to something feeling far more intimate and homey. And no one in the country does al fresco dining quite like New York City in summer: almost every self-respecting restaurant in the city has claimed a little space of their sidewalk with brightly colored partitions, making sure their guests can enjoy their meals out in the plain air of New York. Sure, there are some down sides to al fresco dining in the city–sweltering summer temperatures, roaming panhandlers, and the unique smells of some of Manhattan’s streets being just a few–but the trend of eating outside doesn’t…

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Last Day of Daycare


Today marks the Princess’ last day of daycare.  It will be the last time we will be up early to travel via the transit system, it will be the last time I will be waking up and coming home in the dark during the Canadian winter months.  It will be the last time she will see her teacher’s and old friends before she begins a new journey in school where she will meet new teachers and friends.    I am so very proud of the little girl she has become and firmly believe that the wonderful staff definitely had a helping hand in that.  They were there for all her sicknesses, all her happy moments and her bruised knees.  She was able to go on trips, go see plays and have experiences that she may not have had, had I stayed home instead of going back to work.   While she did manage to contract all viruses and bacteria that came through that place, but her immune system is rock solid now, just in time for school.  We’d all hate to see her miss a day at school.

Sing a Song of Sixpence


Sing a Song of Sixpence

Sing a song of sixpence,

A pocket full of rye;

Four-and-twenty blackbirds

Baked in a pie!

When the pie was opened

The birds began to sing;

Was not that a dainty dish

To set before the King?

The King was in his counting house,

Counting out his money;

The Queen was in the parlour,

Eating bread & honey.

The maid was in the garden,

Hanging out the clothes;

When down came a blackbird

And snapped off her nose.

Roud Folk Song

What are you Doing this Weekend Toronto?


The days are getting shorter, the weather is getting colder but this long weekend is the last time children and their families get to enjoy summertime fun.  Labour Day marks the last long weekend before school begins and here is a list of things to do in Toronto.

  1. Canadian National Exhibition or CNE.    This is the event to go to this weekend.  Carnival rides, cotton candy and attractions, the CNE guarantees great family fun.  This weekend there will be Petting Zoo’s, Reptile Shows, Circus workshops and My Little Pony show.
  2. Circus! The Exhibit.   At the Ontario Science Centre, Circus! The Exhibit will be teaching the science behind juggling, the flexibility of contortionists and the physics of human cannonballs.
  3. Movie Under the Stars.  At Downsview Park on August 31st, Dolphins Tale will be playing for free at 9 pm.  Bring your own blanket and snacks and enjoy family movie night in a new and exciting way.
  4. Ultimate Dinosaurs.   Giants of Gondwana have come to the Royal Ontario Museum and this exhibit will be sure to enlighten your little ones and is good for all ages.
  5. WoofJocks.   If your children love dogs, then this is the event for you.  Come watch canine sports and demonstrations for free!

Enjoy this long weekend with your family!

5 Days Without Princess


Last Wednesday, Princess went on a camping trip with her Aunt Mimi, Grampie and Nana.  Hubby and I still had to work so my brave girl had to go on her own without us.  She had a blast.  And so did we.

She left with my family bright and early Wednesday and when we came home that night, it was surprisingly quiet and the house had stayed tidy for longer than 5 minutes.  Hubby had cooked us a lovely meal of roast chicken and wild mushroom rice pilaf. Mmm.  After that we were able to sit down and watch a movie without any distraction.

On Thursday, Hubby spent the night at his brother’s so I had the house to myself.  It had been so long since I was able to have a night to myself.  I had a quick chat with Hubby to go over our day and I let him go about his boy’s night.  I got into my coziest pj’s and had a chick flick night.  I cried, I laughed, but I had a great night.  You just have to enjoy the little things.

Friday was a special night.  Hubby had gotten us a hotel suite for the night.  He had our bag packed up by the time I got home from work and soon we were off and heading out to dinner.  We did the same thing last year and have decided that it will be an annual event.   Sometimes you just need to get away.  Saturday morning we were able to sleep in which was wonderful and then go out for brunch.  It was great to finally reconnect as a couple and enjoy each other’s company as adults.  It wasn’t our anniversary or any special date, but a much-needed night away.

Sunday was the day the Princess came home.  As expected, she had made many new friends at the campground, tested the limits of her extended family and was covered in bruises from being her overly rambunctious, clumsy self.  After giving hugs and kisses, I asked her what her favourite part of her trip was, she said “spending time with my family.”  ❤

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award


I have been graciously given the Very Inspiring Blogger Award by Lydia at   With all her posts, you can tell that she is a very genuine and kind-hearted person, with infinite dedication to family, friends and her faith.  She definitely inspired me when she too ran a 5K race and that definitely was  great motivator for me for my race.  Be sure to check out her blog,  you’ll be glad you did!

The Award Requirements

1)      Display the award logo on your blog.
2)      Link back to the person who nominated you.
3)      State 7 things about yourself.
4)      Nominate other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5)      Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

7 Things About Me!

  1. My favourite ice cream is Pralines & Cream!  Anytime I go to buy a treat from Baskin Robbins, it is always Pralines & Cream in a waffle cone.  Mmm delicious!
  2. My favourite poem is “She Walks in Beauty” by Lord Byron.
  3. When Hubby, Princess and I eat dinner, I will not begin to eat unless Hubby has started.  It’s weird I know, it’s not from some household rule, but just out of habit I guess.
  4. Raspberries are my favourite berry.
  5. I hate locking my doors.   This drives Hubby crazy, but I don’t like being locked in.
  6. I have recently fallen in love with Michael’s Craft Store.  In an attempt to be crafty, I went to Michael’s and fell head over heels.
  7. I prefer to hand scrub my floors.  Hubby always reminds me that we have a mop, but there is something stress relieving and cleansing about getting on our hands and knees and scrubbing away the dirt.  Hard on the knees but good for my peace of mind!

Bloggers I Nominate;

  1. Motherhood is an Art
  2. Musings from Mommyland
  3. Shoes on the Wrong Feet
  4. Bucket List Publications
  5. Glitter Frog



I found this poem online, I’m not sure who wrote it or what it’s title, but I thought it was beautiful.


The world may never notice
if a rosebud doesn’t bloom
or even pause to wonder if the petals fall too soon
but every life that ever forms
or ever comes to be
touches the world
in some small way for all eternity
the little one we longed for
was swiftly here and gone
but the love that was then planted
is a light that still shines on
and though our arms are empty
our hearts know what to do
every beating of our heart says
We will remember you.

Max and Ruby are Coming to Toronto!


The Princess loves Max and Ruby.   They are a loveable brother and sister, who get up to all sorts of activities with friends and their grandmother.  Their parents are never in any of the episodes which is bizarre to me, but the show is very child appropriate.  We have many of their DVD’s and much to my dismay, they are toddler friendly, which means after 10 seconds of selection, it starts by itself.

Well Max and Ruby are now putting on a play this December 15th at the Sony Arts Centre in Toronto and I think this will be a great birthday gift for my little girl.  She’s getting older now so her attention span will be longer and I think to see this live will make her so happy.  Toronto4Kids is having a pre sale of the tickets with a special code so if you are in the Toronto area and your child loves Max and Ruby, then this may be the show for you!




August is steamy, hot, ice-creamy.

Maybe you’ll visit the seashore…

Play under the garden hose…

Swing in the hammock with bare toes.

Summer is nearly over, and birds stay up late.

Suppers are hot-dogs, cooked out of doors –

So good you can hardly wait!

By Richard Scarry